home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- var originalOverwriteLabel = null;
- gSessionManager._onLoad = gSessionManager.onLoad;
- gSessionManager.onLoad = function() {
- this._onLoad(true);
- // If instant Apply is on, hide the apply button
- if (this.getPref("browser.preferences.instantApply", false, true)) {
- _("sessionmanagerOptions").getButton("extra1").style.visibility = "collapse";
- }
- // Populate select session list and select previously selected session
- var resume_session = _("resume_session");
- var sessions = this.getSessions();
- resume_session.appendItem(this._string("startup_resume"), this.mBackupSessionName, "");
- var maxWidth = window.getComputedStyle(_("startEndGroupbox"), null).width;
- sessions.forEach(function(aSession) {
- if ((aSession.fileName != this.mAutoSaveSessionName) && (aSession.fileName != this.mBackupSessionName))
- {
- var elem = resume_session.appendItem(aSession.name, aSession.fileName, "");
- elem.setAttribute("maxwidth", maxWidth);
- elem.setAttribute("crop", "center");
- }
- }, this);
- // if no restore value, select previous browser session
- resume_session.value = _("extensions.sessionmanager.resume_session").value || this.mBackupSessionName;
- // current load session no longer there
- if (resume_session.selectedIndex == -1) {
- resume_session.value ="";
- _("extensions.sessionmanager.resume_session").valueFromPreferences = resume_session.value;
- // change option to none if select session was selected
- if (_("startupOption").selectedIndex==2) {
- _("startupOption").selectedIndex = 0;
- _("extensions.sessionmanager.startup").valueFromPreferences = _("startupOption").selectedIndex;
- }
- }
- // Restore selected indexes and hide/show menus for startup options
- _("generalPrefsTab").selectedIndex = _("extensions.sessionmanager.options_selected_tab").valueFromPreferences;
- startupSelect(_("startupOption").selectedIndex = _("extensions.sessionmanager.startup").valueFromPreferences);
- // Hide close tab restoration preferences in SeaMonkey since it doesn't work
- if (this.mApplication.name.toUpperCase() == "SEAMONKEY") {
- _("save_closed_tabs").parentNode.style.visibility = "collapse";
- }
- // Hide option to use built in SessionStore closed window list if not supported
- if (typeof(this.mSessionStore.getClosedWindowCount) != "function") {
- _("closed_window_list").style.visibility = "collapse";
- }
- checkClosedWindowList(_("extensions.sessionmanager.use_SS_closed_window_list").valueFromPreferences);
- // Change overwrite label to tabs if append to window as tab preference set
- originalOverwriteLabel = _("overwrite").label;
- changeOverwriteLabel(_("extensions.sessionmanager.append_by_default").valueFromPreferences);
- // Disable or enable "allow saving in PBM" depending on encryption state
- _("allow_save_in_pbm").disabled = !_("encrypt_sessions").checked;
- // Hide mid-click preference if Tab Mix Plus or Tab Clicking Options is enabled
- var browser = this.mWindowMediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
- if (browser) {
- if ((typeof(browser.tabClicking) != "undefined") || (typeof(browser.TM_checkClick) != "undefined")) {
- _("midClickPref").style.visibility = "collapse";
- }
- if (browser.gSingleWindowMode) {
- _("overwrite").label = gSessionManager._string("overwrite_tabs");
- _("open_as_tabs").style.visibility = "collapse";
- }
- }
- // Update Logging Level checkboxes
- readLogLevel();
- // Disable Apply Button by default
- _("sessionmanagerOptions").getButton("extra1").disabled = true;
- adjustContentHeight();
- };
- gSessionManager.onWindowClose = function() {};
- gSessionManager.onUnload = function() {
- _("extensions.sessionmanager.options_selected_tab").valueFromPreferences = _("generalPrefsTab").selectedIndex;
- setLogLevel();
- };
- var _disable = gSessionManager.setDisabled;
- function readMaxClosedUndo(aID)
- {
- switch (aID) {
- case "max_closed":
- var value = _("extensions.sessionmanager.max_closed_undo").value;
- _disable(_("save_window_list"), value == 0);
- return value;
- break;
- case "max_closed_SS":
- var value = _("browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo").value;
- _disable(_("save_closed_windows"), value == 0);
- _disable(document.getElementsByAttribute("control", "save_closed_windows")[0], value == 0);
- return value;
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- function readMaxTabsUndo()
- {
- var value = _("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo").value;
- _disable(_("save_closed_tabs"), value == 0);
- _disable(document.getElementsByAttribute("control", "save_closed_tabs")[0], value == 0);
- return value;
- }
- function promptClearUndoList()
- {
- var max_tabs_undo = _("max_tabs").value;
- gSessionManager.clearUndoListPrompt();
- _("max_tabs").value = max_tabs_undo;
- };
- function readInterval()
- {
- return _("browser.sessionstore.interval").value / 1000;
- }
- function writeInterval()
- {
- return Math.round(parseFloat(_("interval").value) * 1000 || 0);
- }
- function readPrivacyLevel()
- {
- var value = _("browser.sessionstore.privacy_level").value;
- _disable(_("postdata"), value > 1);
- _disable(document.getElementsByAttribute("control", "postdata")[0], value > 1);
- return value;
- }
- function logLevelUpdate() {
- // If instant apply on, apply immediately
- if (gSessionManager.getPref("browser.preferences.instantApply", false, true)) {
- setLogLevel();
- }
- else enableApply();
- }
- function setLogLevel() {
- var logLevel = 0;
- var logCB = document.getElementsByAttribute("class", "logLevel");
- for (var i=0; i < logCB.length; i++) {
- logLevel = logLevel | (logCB[i].checked ? gSessionManager.logging_level[logCB[i].getAttribute("_logLevel")] : 0);
- };
- _("extensions.sessionmanager.logging_level").valueFromPreferences = logLevel;
- }
- function readLogLevel() {
- var logLevel = _("extensions.sessionmanager.logging_level").valueFromPreferences;
- var logCB = document.getElementsByAttribute("class", "logLevel");
- for (var i=0; i < logCB.length; i++) {
- logCB[i].checked = ((logLevel & gSessionManager.logging_level[logCB[i].getAttribute("_logLevel")]) > 0);
- };
- }
- function _(aId)
- {
- return document.getElementById(aId);
- }
- function selectSessionDir() {
- var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
- var filepicker = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
- filepicker.init(window, gSessionManager._string("choose_dir"), nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder);
- filepicker.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterAll);
- var ret = filepicker.show();
- if (ret == nsIFilePicker.returnOK) {
- _("extensions.sessionmanager.sessions_dir").value = filepicker.file.path;
- }
- }
- function defaultSessionDir() {
- _("extensions.sessionmanager.sessions_dir").value = '';
- }
- function checkEncryption(aState) {
- try {
- // force a master password prompt so we don't waste time if user cancels it
- gSessionManager.mSecretDecoderRing.encryptString("");
- }
- catch (ex) {
- gSessionManager.cryptError(gSessionManager._string("change_encryption_fail"));
- return !aState;
- }
- _("encrypted_only").hidden = !aState;
- _("allow_save_in_pbm").disabled = !aState;
- // When animating preferences the window can get cut off so just refresh the window size here
- if (aState && gSessionManager.getPref("browser.preferences.animateFadeIn", false, true))
- window.sizeToContent();
- return aState;
- }
- function checkEncryptOnly(aState) {
- if (aState && !_("extensions.sessionmanager.encrypted_only").valueFromPreferences) {
- if (!gSessionManager.mPromptService.confirm(window, gSessionManager.mTitle, gSessionManager._string("encrypt_only_confirm"))) {
- aState = false;
- }
- }
- return aState;
- }
- function changeOverwriteLabel(aChecked) {
- _("overwrite").label = aChecked ? gSessionManager._string("overwrite_tabs") : originalOverwriteLabel;
- }
- function checkClosedWindowList(aChecked) {
- // Hide the option to not clear the list of closed windows on shutdown if we are using the built in closed windows
- var builtin = aChecked && (_("closed_window_list").style.visibility != "collapse");
- _("save_window_list").style.visibility = builtin ? "collapse" : "visible";
- _("max_closed").style.visibility = builtin ? "collapse" : "visible";
- _("max_closed_SS").style.visibility = builtin ? "visible" : "collapse";
- _("closed_windows_menu").style.visibility = builtin ? "visible" : "collapse";
- }
- function startupSelect(index) {
- // hide/display corresponding menus
- _("browserStartupPage").style.visibility = (index != 0)?"collapse":"visible";
- _("preselect").style.visibility = (index != 1)?"collapse":"visible";
- _("resume_session").style.visibility = (index != 2)?"collapse":"visible";
- //if (index == 1) _("resume_session").style.visibility = "hidden";
- // If instant apply on, apply immediately
- if (gSessionManager.getPref("browser.preferences.instantApply", false, true)) {
- setStartValue();
- }
- }
- function setStartValue() {
- _("extensions.sessionmanager.startup").valueFromPreferences = _("startupOption").selectedIndex;
- }
- function savePrefs() {
- var prefs = document.getElementsByTagName('preference');
- for (var i=0; i<prefs.length; i++) {
- prefs[i].valueFromPreferences = prefs[i].value;
- }
- setStartValue();
- // Disable Apply Button
- _("sessionmanagerOptions").getButton("extra1").disabled = true;
- }
- function enableApply() {
- _("sessionmanagerOptions").getButton("extra1").disabled = false;
- }
- function goHelp() {
- var link = "http://sessionmanager.mozdev.org/options.html#";
- switch (_("sessionmanagerOptions").currentPane) {
- case (_("mainPrefPane")):
- switch (_("generalPrefsTab").selectedIndex) {
- case 0:
- link = link + "startup";
- break;
- case 1:
- link = link + "saving";
- break;
- case 2:
- link = link + "display";
- break;
- }
- break;
- case (_("undoclosePrefPane")):
- link = link + "undo";
- break;
- case (_("advancedPrefPane")):
- link = link + "advanced";
- break;
- case (_("sessionstorePrefPane")):
- link = link + "sessionstore";
- break;
- case (_("loggingPrefPane")):
- link = link + "logging";
- break;
- }
- openLink(link);
- }
- function openLink(url) {
- var top = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator).getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
- if (!top) window.open(url, "", "");
- else {
- var tBrowser = top.getBrowser();
- var currBlank = false;
- // Is current tab blank or already on help page.
- if (tBrowser && tBrowser.mCurrentTab.linkedBrowser) {
- var location = tBrowser.mCurrentTab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.location.href;
- var index = location.indexOf("#");
- var baseLocation = (index == -1)? location : location.substring(0,index);
- index = url.indexOf("#");
- var baseURL = (index == -1)? url : url.substring(0,index);
- currBlank = (location == "about:blank") || (baseLocation == baseURL);
- }
- if (currBlank) tBrowser.loadURI(url);
- else {
- var tab = tBrowser.addTab(url);
- tBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
- }
- }
- }
- function adjustContentHeight() {
- // Localize strings aren't used when the initial height is used to calculate the size of the context-box
- // and preference window. The height is calculated correctly once the window is drawn, but the context-box
- // and preference window heights are never updated.
- // To fix this, we need to explicitly set the height style of any element with a localized string that is more
- // than one line (the descriptions). This will correct the heights when the panes are selected.
- var largestNewPaneHeight = 0;
- var largestCurrentPaneHeight = 0;
- var biggestPane = null;
- for (var i=0; i < _("sessionmanagerOptions").preferencePanes.length; i++) {
- var pane = _("sessionmanagerOptions").preferencePanes[i];
- var descriptions = pane.getElementsByTagName('description');
- var adjustHeight = 0;
- for (var j=0; j<descriptions.length; j++) {
- var height = window.getComputedStyle(descriptions[j], null).height;
- if (height != "auto") {
- descriptions[j].style.height = height;
- adjustHeight += parseInt(height) - 26;
- }
- }
- adjustHeight = pane.contentHeight + adjustHeight;
- if (adjustHeight > largestNewPaneHeight) {
- largestNewPaneHeight = adjustHeight;
- biggestPane = pane;
- }
- if (pane.contentHeight > largestCurrentPaneHeight)
- largestCurrentPaneHeight = pane.contentHeight;
- }
- // The exception to this is if the largest pane is already selected when the preference window is opened. In
- // this case the window inner height must be correct as well as the context-box height (if animation is disabled).
- var currentPane = _("sessionmanagerOptions").currentPane;
- var animate = gSessionManager.getPref("browser.preferences.animateFadeIn", false, true);
- // When not animating, the largest pane's content height is not correct when it is opened first so update it.
- // Also the window needs to be resized to take into account the changes to the description height.
- if (!animate) {
- // For some reason if opening the largest (Advanced) pane first and the encrypt only box is checked, the size is wrong so tweak it.
- if ((currentPane == biggestPane) && !_("encrypted_only").hidden) largestNewPaneHeight += 12;
- biggestPane._content.height = largestNewPaneHeight;
- window.sizeToContent();
- }
- // When animating the window needs to be resized to take into account the changes to the description height and
- // then shrunk since the opening pane is sized to the largest pane height which is wrong.
- else {
- // Hide/show the encrypt only check box here when opening the largest pane to prevent window looking to large.
- if (currentPane == biggestPane) {
- _("encrypted_only").hidden = !_("encrypt_sessions").checked;
- }
- window.sizeToContent();
- // If encrypted only checkbox is hidden need to tweak the height
- var adjuster = (_("encrypted_only").hidden) ? (2 * largestCurrentPaneHeight - largestNewPaneHeight) : largestCurrentPaneHeight;
- window.innerHeight -= adjuster - currentPane.contentHeight;
- }
- // Hide/show the encrypt only checkbox based on state of encryption checkbox
- _("encrypted_only").hidden = !_("encrypt_sessions").checked;
- // Re-select same pane to refresh it - General pane's tab boxes aren't the right height unless the General tab is re-selected
- _("sessionmanagerOptions")._selector.selectedItem.click();
- }